Saturday, February 10, 2007

Are Wii the Children of the Revolution?

Journal Entry Question for Everyone!

The new Nintendo Wii gaming system is the newest piece of game technology available to the world. It is supposed to revolutionize the way people play games. In a way, there is some truth that can be found in that statement. The Wii Remote allows for better interactivity with the games because along with the traditional button presses, a player can play the game by using physical gestures like swinging a sword, a tennis racket, or throwing a bowling ball depending on the game being played. The Wii remote is also wireless which allows for better movement. The Wii supposed to be the game system that everyone can play. It does not discriminate on the age or even on the ability of the player. The Wii has received a lot of hype and its popularity rose to a point where people actually lined up outside stores days before it was first released just so that they could play the game first and experience the “revolution” firsthand.

The Nintendo Wii faces stiff competition with other gaming systems such as the Xbox 360 and the Playstation 3. All three game platforms have been popular around the world and people are known to own all three. Doesn’t that seem a little too much to you? This is all caused by the hype that these game platforms—not just the Wii but the Xbox 360 and the PS 3 as well— will “revolutionize” how games will be played. They offer better graphics, better gameplay, and the newest games possible. All of these game systems cost quite a bit of money, with the PS3 being the most expensive costing about $700 and the Nintendo Wii being the cheapest costing close to $300.

Personally, I do not own any of these platforms, not just because of the price but because I don’t really believe in any of the hypes that are circulating around. I think that I could do something better with my money and my time and that the hypes that cause these game platforms to be so popular were only created so that they would be sold and give the companies millions of dollars of profits. I think that everyone is entitled to their own opinion on what games are the best to play and what systems are the best to play on. Games are all about having fun and should stay that way. We should not be stressed or pressured into getting the latest games and systems because that is what these hypes do. It’s just not fun.


Blogger Daryl said...

I totally agree with you Lester. People are getting tricked into buying these new gaming systems, and companies are getting millions of dollars for it. In my opinion, I think that the Nintendo Wii is a great system. The technology used in this system is amazing. Although this gaming system has many attributes, I still think that gaming should be for fun. People are getting stressed to buying the latest and newest things in the gaming world. I agree with your blog fully!!

6:07 PM  
Blogger and1_fl3x said...

look at that lester! its another comment from your friend, NOOICE! anyway, i agree with your statement on how people are getting so hyped up for the release of the Nintendo Wii when its not really a big deal. people think that the Wii would be so much fun, but after they buy it, sooner or later, they will find out that there are several defects for this system. there are already complaints on how the nunchuck(the other part of the controller) can get tangled due to the wire that connects it with the Wii remote. personaly, i find that the Nintendo Wii is a very fun and ACTIVE console.

11:26 AM  

Hey Lester,
About your blog, well... you have really good points especially where you pointed out that people have different opinions about the games they play. Personally, I think the Wii is great and hella fun. I never really thought that video games came make you sweat from physical actions. Well they can now. But I think you should try playing it, you might change your mind, and if you already have then you're probably playing a boring game.

6:37 PM  
Blogger mmarkerr said...

Hello Lester!

I think that you should try playing the Wii before judging it :P
It is pretty cheap and would be well worth the time playing games and getting some exercice.


7:14 AM  

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