Thursday, September 14, 2006

With the GOOD, comes the BAD

Journal Entry Question for Grade 10 #1

Today, we are dependent on various modern devices to make our lives easier. But do these things really make life easier?

An example of a modern technology would be the Internet. It is one of the most widely known and used forms of communication in the world. It can be used to do a wide variety of things without even leaving your computer. That may sound good but there is certainly some bad that comes with that.

Let’s start with the good side first. The Internet allows you to access information directly from your computer. The Internet allows one to post information and for other people to view it. This saves time for those who need to do research, as they do not leave their house or even their computer. Through the Internet, one can communicate with other people by sending electronic mail or e-mail. Also, the Internet features a program called Instant Messaging where you can chat with another person from anywhere around the world as long as they are connected to the Internet. You can use a web cam and a speaker with a microphone so that you can see and hear each other while chatting. This means that you can communicate with your relatives or friends from the other side or the world.

All of these things may sound good right now, but they also have some very negative effects. Not leaving your computer may seem convenient but it can cause serious health problems. One could contract Repetitive Strain Injury from constant typing or may have eye problems from staring at the monitor screen too long. One could suddenly gain weight from lack of excercise due to too much time spent on the computer. The information that people post on the Internet is not always reliable. You can check from which source they claim to get it from but what about that source? You can never be sure of the authenticity of the information you acquire on the Internet. Also, you have to be careful of the messages you send to other people. Strangers who might be stalkers can view the information that you post and they might try to come find you in real life. Furthermore, there are hackers that have the ability to trace the information you post on the Internet. They could hack into you computer system and send you viruses that could potentially destroy your computer.

One can never be too sure of the Internet. It has a dark and dangerous side to it but it can also help our lives. It is how one uses it that matters.



Blogger Aude Sepere said...

The internet has made life so much easier for us... much easier that some people spend too much time using it. They tend to forget that the internet is a tool to make our lives better (and a little more interesting, too!) and let the internet consume their lives.

The result of what these "computer-zombies" create for themselves are repetitive strain injury, eye injuries, weight gain because of lack of excercise, and so on, like you explained.

There are no words to explain how amazing the internet is, but everything has its downside I suppose.

Good work.

8:21 AM  
Blogger Largo said...

What kind of health issues?

7:27 PM  
Blogger Largo said...

Hi Lester,

Great effort with your blog, BUT it is rather over-designed. In some parts, the text is hard to read, the background image is overwhelming. Along with the music, there is a lot of information to take in. Sometimes, simpler is better!

7:29 PM  
Blogger Jonathan said...


Good job with the first entry. I agree completly. Using the internet really depends on who is using it and for what reason. The internet can be very useful if used properly and smartly.

Using the compuer constantly is also an issue because of all the health risks it can cause. We have to be cautious when using the internet and the computer.

8:28 AM  

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