Saturday, February 10, 2007

What Makes YOU Special?

Grade 10 Journal Entry Question #4

It is amazing how far our technology has progressed in a period of a few decades, let alone a few thousand years. A great example of our modern technology would be this blog that I am using to express my ideas. It may seem very normal and plain to some of us, but I am sure that this method of writing ideas was unheard of 50 or even 25 years ago.

We have technology that can predict the future, which comes in the form of our weather instruments that predict what the climate and temperature will be in the next few days. Although it may not always be accurate, it is pretty reliable since most of our daily routines involve checking the television for the weather of the day announcement. Now, IBM and National Geographic have launched the Genographic Project, to study and predict our past through the use of modern devices.

They will collect massive samples of human DNA, record them, and compare them in order to see any patterns. Scientists believe that all of human ancestry can be traced back to Africa and that over the course of 60,000 years; humans have managed to migrate and populate the whole world. From this huge project, we can determine our roots and maybe unlock secrets about our race that have never been known before. The human DNA is unique to each person but there are still similarities that can be used to compare and contrast the migration patterns of humans.

I believe that this project would be very helpful in bringing everyone closer together. It will show us that we are not so different than we may originally think. I think that this project would help eliminate racism and stereotypes because although the colour of our skins may different, the language that we speak may vary, our culture may be different from another person’s, we can all trace our ancestry to the same group of people 60,000 years ago.


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