Saturday, February 10, 2007

When War meets Video Games

Grade 10 Journal Entry Question #3

War games are becoming increasingly more popular over the years. They are popular nowadays because of the violence that surrounds us. Throughout the history of man war has been a huge part of life. It determines who is the dominant force through strategy, cunning, and especially, killing your opposition. In the chaos that war creates, order and peace is slowly restored. Game developers have recreated this cycle in what we now call “war games”. The styles of the games may differ but their objectives are similar: use strategy and military tactics in order to complete your mission.

Many people enjoy playing war games. I am one of them and so are some of my friends. There are many who enjoy games that require strategy in order to succeed. It teaches them to plan their moves in advance and forces them to think quickly on their feet when the time comes. There are those who will argue that some of these games are too violent and should be banned for underage gamers. They have contrasting rivals that argue that these games are educational and are meant to teach others about what it is like in the battlefield and what are some of the weapons and military strategies that the army employs in their missions.

Personally, I love playing games as a pastime. War games are one of my favorites. I enjoy visiting Internet cafes and playing games such as Counter-Strike with my friends. It brings us closer as friends and we have a lot of fun playing too. I think that games are made to be played and should not be taken too seriously. I think that everyone should be able to play any game that they want to no matter how old they are. People who detest war games should take the time to play these games in order to truly experience everything that these games have to offer.

Games are meant to be played, not judged.


Blogger Dinkxz said...

I completely agree with you. A lot of war games are very good examples of what its like in a real war. Not only just killing you opponent and just doing it over and over again. Games like these shouldn't be banned for underage people just because they are violent. Just because the are little doesn't mean they don't understand that its only a game and shouldn't be committed in real life. I too enjoy playing war games as a pass time but you don't see me going around and shooting people right?

3:10 PM  
Blogger and1_fl3x said...

hey look at that, i'm one of the friends that play Counter-Strike with you, NICE! anyway, i agree with your opinion. i think that people who go against the violent games should take the time to try and play them so that they can know that thrill and experience of violent gun games like Counter-Strike. i also agree that there should not be an age border aslong as they don't take the game to seriously and start violence of their own.

10:24 AM  

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